Martin, utiliser MapRoulette pour une telle opération ne me semble pas 
approprié à moins de vouloir faire un simple Revert pour revenir à la situation 
précédente. Qui dit que les contributeurs connaitront les règles de jumelage 
Addresse - Nom de rue, les adresses individuelles ou les interpolations et les 
règles propres à chaque province pour l'écriture des noms?  Aussi, on retrouve 
souvent pour une même rue plusieurs éléments à corriger. Il vaut mieux les 
traiter tous simultanément. Dans JOSM, le style «Coloured Streets» permet de 
localiser les problèmes et de vérifier si les corrections sont correctes. 
Quelque 24h plus tard, une fois OSMI mis à jour, il est possible de réviser la 
zone pour s'assurer que tout est bien corrigé.
C'est la procédure que j'ai suivi pour le Québec en 2016 la requête Overpass 
ci-dessous pour extraire uniquement les données d'adresses et de rues. De cette 
façon, à l'aide du style «Coloured Streets», on visualise mieux les objets à 

    Le mardi 31 octobre 2017 18:40:29 HAE, Martijn van Exel <> a 
écrit :  
 This comes directly out of OSMI, it may be useful to create a MapRoulette 
challenge or similar if we wanted to go that route.
On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 4:37 PM, James <> wrote:

not sure what that format is, but it's completely useless, need so much 
processing, might as well just fix them via OSMI

On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 6:27 PM, Matthew Darwin <> wrote:

No ideas from me... I was doing the Ottawa area manually.  It takes a while 
because you need to review the history of both the street and the address to 
see which one was most recently changed so you know which one to correct... 
plus add comments on the change that caused it to be out of alignment so people 
are aware.  (I didn't comment on every change... once I found a pattern, I 
stopped commenting).
There are still a few in Ottawa that don't match up.  Either because the 
address and the street are far apart and it is a false-positive error, or the 
capitalization on the street names don't match... I'm waiting (for 3 months 
now) for the City of Ottawa to get back to me on what is the correct name and 
then I will fix either the street or the address accordingly.   So long way of 
saying, anything within the bounds of the City of Ottawa, I will fix.
 On 2017-10-31 06:11 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
 Hi all, 
  We started fixing this in the Ottawa region, but the problem is bigger than 
just around the ways that our team updated. I updated the ticket with a dump 
that we got from OSMI. We are looking at how to best approach this pretty 
significant fix up task. I will keep you updated. In the mean time, if you have 
any ideas for how to approach this, let me know. Thanks! Martijn 
 On Oct 11, 2017, at 12:05 PM, Martijn van Exel <> wrote: 
  Hi all,  
  Matthew Darwin pointed out on Github that some street name updates by the 
Telenav team lead to 'orphaned' address nodes. The ticket is here: avMapping/mapping-projects/ issues/34  
  This is just to let you know that we are aware and planning to fix soonest. 
  Thanks and my apologies. Let us know if you encountered this anywhere else. 
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