I see the use of "City of" as indicating the official name of a
municipality as it is defined in legislation. Here in New Brunswick the
Municipalities Act‎ defines the official names of municipalities. Some opt
to use "City of ", "Town of ", etc in the Municipalities Act and some
don't. But when it comes to names on maps we should be more concerned with
toponyms and not official names. The use of "City of ", "Town of ", etc is
very rare in toponyms.  Here is a query on the Canadian Geographic Names
Database searching for the term "of" in the "populated places" category -

I only see two examples that include "City of ", "Town of ", etc across the
entire country:
City of Brant, ON
Village of Queen Charlotte, BC


On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 7:45 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea <
stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:

> I smell a harmonization with admin_level...not that there's anything wrong
> with that.
> SteveA
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