Thanks, Matthew. We are finalizing the mapping task on a conference call this 
afternoon at 3 pm if you have time to join in. At the Toronto OSM Meetup they 
recommended using one of the HOT Tasking Manager tasks. I looked at this one 
and found the “Project Specific Notes” helpful:

Could we not set up a similar project using the BC2020i framework so that 
municipalities and regions could use OSM to track local use of buildings for 
food security and other types of sustainable development projects? 

Splitting up the work for completion in a short period of time is exactly what 
high school teachers and non-profit agencies in rural communities need. The 
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is working on this kind 
of capacity building with rural communities and youth. 

Could the OSM Tasking Manager not be used to support those municipalities that 
have limited GIS open data capacity to sustain this type of activity? We want 
to have an OSM training session like the one you describe below in the morning 
(2-5 to 3 hours) and then give teams a task to map where they would be adding 
points of interest based on prior knowledge gathering before the event. The 
prior knowledge would be related to information about their school building 
that ties into information about municipal buildings in the surrounding 

The combined information would allow them to visualize some aspect of local 
land use. Rob will be able to demonstrate how Durham Region uses spatial 
analysis for local planning purposes. In the follow-up event in the fall we 
could bring these schools back for an event that demonstrates how crowdsourcing 
and citizen science works at the local level. 


From: Matthew Darwin
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 11:19 PM
To: Jonathan Brown;
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Emergency Request for Tasking Manager Trainer

[prune CC list so this gets posted to the list]
Hi Jonathan,
I'm probably missing something, but you don't link training videos from the 
tasking manager.   The tasking manager is about splitting up some pre-defined 
mapping jobs (eg trace outline of building from bing satellite image), into 
small chunks that people can finish in a short amount of time.  So people don't 
work on things other people are already working on.
If people are adding what they already know, then you don't need a tasking 
manager.  People just go ahead and add it, if it is not already there (checking 
if it is already there is important so we don't get duplicate things).  
Presumably beginners are only going to add one thing at a time in ID editor, 
and they're all in the same room, so scope for conflict is small (easily solved 
with everyone announcing what they are doing before starting it).
For your session later this month, it sounds to me like you want someone to 
• introduce the topic of mapping in OSM
• introduce the ID editor
• go through some samples of things to be added
• then everybody get on their laptop and start trying to edit things, with the 
leader checking what is going on
(this is how my introductory session went last April when I joined a meetup 
group in Ottawa)
The task manager is not needed in this scenario.
But please correct me if I totally missed your point.
On 2018-03-07 08:55 AM, Jonathan Brown wrote:
We want to run the mapathon by setting up a task in the Tasking Manager with 
links to the OSMLearning video tutorials and use cases for the instruction 
section. We want to make the task as simple as possible (e.g., adding points of 
interest based on participants’ local knowledge augmented with information from 
social services and NGOs who will be participating). 
The goal is to have the participants apply OSM morning training to a problem 
solving task in the afternoon, similar to what Sterling Quinn did for the 
Philly Fresh Food Mapathon:
We would need to add tasks to the OSM Tasking Manager that encompass the school 
boards and schools within the geography to be mapped - Durham Region, Niagara 
Region, Northumberland County, and Greater Peterborough area. For March 29 the 
priority is for Durham Region and Northumberland County. 
We are looking for a train-the-trainer model for 8-10 facilitators (teachers, 
senior secondary and postsecondary students) that can be repurposed for other 
mapathon events this spring and fall.
There will be a follow-up event in the early fall. We are exploring ways to 
build this type of mapathon event into the workflows of the educational and 
local planning structures and processes at the municipal and regional level. 
Alessandro and his colleagues at the TB Open Data branch are well aware of what 
we are trying to do. 
From: Matthew Darwin
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 9:06 PM
To: Jonathan Brown;
Cc: Brock Baker <>
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Emergency Request for Tasking Manager Trainer
Hi Jonathan,
Are you trying to set up the tasking manager, or you just want to add a project 
to the existing tasking manager  If you describe 
the details of what you're trying to accomplish (look at existing tasks), then 
someone can probably add a task for you.
Or do you want to know how to run a mapathon using the task manager?
A bit more details of what you're trying to do would be helpful...

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