
On 04/11/2018 06:22 PM, Bernie Connors wrote:
> I received this link by email today.  It looks like DigitalGlobe is
> trying to make some money from their building footprint data before it
> is available for free in OpenStreetmap.

In the PR footer it also has a nice explanation of why so many
businesses are so eager to apply Machine Learning to OSM:

"By applying artificial intelligence tools and machine learning
algorithms, imagery and data can yield critical insights about land use
and land change, vegetation, the built environment and much more.
Discover how location intelligence is transforming the way businesses
understand and derive insights from the built environment. Contact us

OSM is the ideal test bed for a business wanting to hone their "machine
learning" skills - just dump your stuff into OSM and the community will
fix it, and you can then use these fixes as a new input for your machine
learning system...

... which will thereby of course fall fully under ODbL ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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