My feeling is OpenStreetMap has two sides. The first is local adding local knowledge to the map.  The other I'll call armchair mapping.  When Stats Canada did the pilot it tapped the local Ottawa mappers who meet physically.

I would agree that amongst mappers with the most edits there is a high number of retired people and those with disabilities involved and these may not be visible.  Tapping them for groups coming together to map can be a problem.

In my view typically the most productive mappers are those with a special interest.  Adding WiFi access or churches for example or even a change of street name.

We also have a number of teachers who would like to use OSM and in particular the building project to involve their students.  We get a fair amount of data added but the quality can be questionable.  HOT and others I think have found that using a restricted set of tasks and tags works best.

My personal feeling is giving feedback is useful.  So the challenge for the building project is how to engage people.  What are the most useful tags to add?

I'd suggest some sort of web site giving the number of buildings mapped and the tags that have been added by city.  Graphs with time as one axis would be nice.

Certainly certain activities are more complex than others.  Importing buildings is not a task I'd suggest for teenage mapper with twenty minutes experience.  Breaking out the tasks is a task in itself and for 4 million buildings I think it could benefit from a project plan.

I think we've seen with the 2020 project that just saying it would be nice to have by is not really enough to sustain it but who would do it I'm not sure.

Cheerio John

Jonathan Brown wrote on 2018-11-02 11:28 AM:

Apropos the ongoing efforts to educate new volunteers, the discussion section of this research paper on enablers and barriers may be useful


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