Hi all,

I've just joined the talk-ca list, so please accept my apologies for not addressing this list earlier. I'm happy to take this thread off the imports list for now and onto talk-ca until things are ready to begin again. The next person to reply can please feel free to remove that email if they agree.

I've just made a note on the draft import plan wiki page noting that the import has been stopped:


I would really appreciate it if the person with admin access to the tasking manager projects could please take those offline for the moment, or perhaps place them in a validation-only mode if that's possible.

Like I said in my last email, which perhaps didn't make it to the talk-ca list (https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/imports/2019-January/005886.html) I'm now proposing that we leave the data that has already been imported and enter a phase of thorough validation on that data.

My plan, over the next several days, is to do a general survey of the quality of the data that has been imported so far and make a list of systematic issues I see that should be addressed before we can consider moving forward again. I'll add those comments to the conversation in talk-ca and on the wiki page (link above), as I feel is appropriate. As I said before, I'm of the mind that this import did not get adequate review or approval and did not follow all the import guidelines. I think therefore we need to take stock, cross the t's, dot the i's, and move this thing back toward where it needs to be. Step one is a thoroughly documented wiki page outlining the proposal and responding to everything required in the import guidelines.

I know there are people excited about this import, and people who are eager to get back to work bringing buildings in, but I think everyone will be happier in the end if we take the time to do this right. We don't need to stop forever - we just need to stop until we get things right. I sincerely respect the good intentions of everyone involved in this and I hope we can all work together to make OSM a map known for it's coverage AND it's quality.


Nate Wessel
Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning
NateWessel.com <http://natewessel.com>

On 1/17/19 9:05 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea wrote:
The thread link is:  

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