1. In terms of validation, it would be helpful to have a clear idea of what
sorts of problems need to be fixed.  I have re-validated almost all of the
areas I imported (and all of them in Central Toronto), and fixed all of the
building related errors/warnings I found (with a few exceptions) there
weren't many errors, and many pre-dated the import.  The only JOSM warning
I didn't fix is "Crossing building/residential area".  Yaro's and John's
areas don't seem to have many errors either, although there a few isolated
"Crossing building/highway" warnings (and some "building duplicated nodes"
errors).  I have also split big retail buildings in dense areas.
2. I'm fine with simplification, I think we should just do it.  In terms of
orthogonalization, I don't understand why non-orthogonal buildings are a
problem.  If they are, JOSM allows them to be auto-fixed.
3. I agree that the task manager squares are too big in central Toronto.  A
separate task can be created for central Toronto only, with smaller
squares.  I think the square size is fine outside of Toronto, as long as
the squares are split appropriately.
4. In terms of conflation, I agree that deleting and re-adding buildings is
not desirable, but I don't agree that that means it should never be done,
no matter the time cost.  The ideal solution here is some sort of
script/plugin that auto-merges new and recently added buildings -
basically, an iterated "replace geometry".

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