JW wrote: 
The way forward probably I suggest an opt out method.  Those locations that
have a local group who would prefer more control we block out.  At the
moment this would include Toronto and Montreal.  That way smaller
municipalities can take advantage of the infrastructure that has been set
up but larger locations with local groups can make their own decisions.

John: We are running a training session for OSM mapping in Northumberland 
County (see description 
 We are looking or team participants and volunteers to assist with our first 
OSM local mapping event in Cobourg, Ontario. The GoGeomatics Peterborough event 
on the same day will be using ESRI Community Mapping tool for missing maps in 
Durham Region. 

We are also looking for help in setting up an OSM Task Manager Project for 
Northumberland County. We would then be happy to test out different editing 
tools that day and for future mapping events in our region with students, 
teachers and the broader public as we proceed, to use Tim’s term, “bit by bit.” 
We have Kelsey Saunders and Jennifer Rolph, local GIS professionals, helping 
with the training on March 12. We will have 12 laptops with mice set up for the 
general public and teams to be trained on how to add features and building 
attributes in OSM for Cobourg and Port Hope. Because the students are looking 
for coop placements in local government, we are also providing training on 
ArcGIS Online. The idea is to encourage crowdsourcing with OSM because it is 
open source and teaches students the value of ground truthing.

Jonathan Brown

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