If the local mappers in Alberta or BC feel the data quality is not good enough then I think it is up to them to take action but I think it really is up to the local mapping community and defining them is difficult sometimes.  Also remember agreements within the local community are not always electronic in nature.

This is not as simple and clear cut as one might like.

Cheerio John

Jarek Piórkowski wrote on 2019-03-15 8:28 AM:
IMO the huron/hamptonavemapper import is quite clearly in active
disagreement with the import suspension - while I could believe that
one user could overlook clicking on the wiki link in their changeset
messages just once and seeing the bold "on hold", setting up a brand
new similarly named account on February 15, 2019 and immediately
starting to import suggests they know what they're doing. And it's not
like one ultimately _needs_ the tasking manager to insert the data.

The question is what are we going to do about it? Are you going to
speak for Alberta and BC in opposing this import, Nate? That's
defensible but also debatable.


On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 21:12, Nate Wessel <bike...@gmail.com> wrote:
I would suggest, again, that the tasking manager for this import be locked or 
taken down if that is not possible. One good way to stop people from importing 
when we don't have consensus is to not make it so easy for them. Indeed, I 
would find it plausible if these people said they didn't even know the import 
was paused - their evidence: that the tasking manager is still active!


Nate Wessel
Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning

On 3/14/19 7:42 PM, Jarek Piórkowski wrote:

The changeset comment messages link to the Stats Canada import plan on
the OSM wiki.

I missed it but there were also some edits in Alberta. Quebec edits I
saw were only a couple, outside of Quebec.

http://tasks.osmcanada.ca/project/148 has also been updated, and the
Alberta tasks.

It does raise the point that with a country this large, with editor
community this sparse, there are very few ways to enforce or police a
countrywide consensus, or even arrive at one. Maybe BC mappers like
the import, square angles or no? (Does anyone go to the Metrotown


On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 19:36, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:

Wicked lad importing without an import plan?

Ask him nicely where the import plan for their imports is.

Looks like a new mapper so may not know the rules.

I think currently there are two sets of data that are licensed for import, the 
Stats Can stuff and the Microsoft stuff.  I haven't seen any import plan for 
the Microsoft stuff but unfortunately it's probably fairly easy to import on 
the Stats Can side my feeling is we need to work out who the locals are to get 
buy in since Canada wide there is no consensus on what is acceptable.  After a 
request from a local group then I think that particular area can proceed.

Quebec I think is being organised by Tim.

Thanks John

On Thu, 14 Mar 2019 at 18:56, Jarek Piórkowski <ja...@piorkowski.ca> wrote:

Are people aware that there are buildings being imported by
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/huronavemapper (most recent 12
hours ago) and https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/hamptonavemapper
(most recent 5 days ago)?

I notice the wiki still says the import is on hold.


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