Thanks for the quick replies!
Now, about...
a) Data hosting:
Thank you James, I really appreciate your offer (and that of others). So yes, I 
think hosting pre-processed data in the task manager, for approved regions, is 
an attractive offer. When we agree on a municipality for pre-processing, I will 
contact you to make the data available.
BTW, I thought ODB data in OSM format was hosted with the OSMCanada task 
manager. I understand that ODB data are currently converted on the fly when 
b) Task manager work units for import:
I agree with Nate, ~ 200 buildings or ~ 1,500 nodes would be suitable. I was 
thinking at the same importation rate, but for an hour of work. It seems best 
to target 20-minute tasks.
c) Task manager work units for checking already imported data
According to Nate, it is definitely not faster than actively importing. We 
should then keep the above setup (b).
However, what if I add a new tag to pre-processed data indicating if a building 
was altered or not by the orthogonalization (and simplification) process? For 
instance, building:altered=no, would identify buildings that were not changed 
by the process and that could be left unchanged in OSM (i.e. not imported); 
building:altered=yes for those who were changed by the process and that should 
be imported again. The same pre-processed datasets could then be made available 
for all cases. Thoughts?
d) Finding local mappers:
I agree with Nate's suggestion to try contacting the top 10 mappers in an area. 
Using the "main activity center" would work for most of the contributors but 
selecting other overlays (.e.g. an activity center over last 6 months) could 
also work great. As long as we identify who might be interested in knowing 
there is an import coming.
Comments are welcome, particularly about the proposal on c)

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