That sort of works but doesn't include roof:levels.

The easy tag would be building=detached but then you get building=house
which can be used for a semi detached house.

Locally we have some split levels so a single floor at ground level then a
garage often slightly sunk with another room or two on top.

I'm tempted by the idea of using Streetcomplete's set of suggested tags.

Postcode is fine if you know it but it isn't always obvious from looking at
the building on the outside.

I think what is in the wiki is a sort of dream.  An accurate building date
for example is often difficult to determine. but probably it needs a sort
of low hanging fruit section of what should be easy to tag.

Thanks John

On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 at 17:49, stevea <> wrote:

> On Jan 16, 2020, at 2:37 PM, John Whelan <> wrote:
> > Is there somewhere that offers guidelines on how to add additional tags?
> and which tags are more interesting and which should be avoided?   For
> example country=Canada is probably superfluous.
> As it hasn't been touched in five months, I'm not sure how applicable the
> wiki
> is, relevant to how "this" is being done today.  This effort's wikis and
> approaches have changed — and grown!— since that document was drafted.
> But, that section does indicate that OSM's "key building=* currently has
> over 60 documented values" and the "man_made=* key now has over 50
> documented values."  I do recall when I selected eight or ten of the values
> noted there that I was largely making educated guesses.  But now, as is
> true of wiki, especially during a project that is still sort of "wet cement
> being mixed" (nothing wrong with that, it has to happen, it happens well
> now) please feel free to modify these values as you see fit.  It was meant
> to be a starting point, may you continue with it as well as possible.  (Or
> not).
> SteveA
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