
Let me put forward a few more ideas on top of what Chris put forward.

First of all I do want to confirm that we know how relevant the work carried
out within CrisisMappers is. Here at UN-SPIDER there are several of us
following closely the postings. Having said that I do question how much of
the relevant analysis and map products actually were used/are being used by
the UN and other responding agencies on the ground in Haiti (here I am
thinking specifically of the map products). We will be evaluating this next
week when we meet with the Civil Protection Agency in PaP. My view is that
the UN should have used it more and there is a need to integrate more
closely. We have a UN-SPIDER International Workshop in Bonn in October and
we will take the opportunity of this international gathering of experts to
evaluate exactly that (among other topics): how can we as UN build upon
wider opportunities including CrisisMappers.

Then regarding access to imagery Chris correctly pointed out that all
imagery is being made available for free use by Chilean institutions as well
as all NGOs and international organisations directly supporting these
institutions We list the imagery on our webpage

We also list the updated target areas for imagery and also the list of
Chilean institutions that are coordinating the efforts. Notice that Chile
has designated specific people to coordinate this international effort.

If anyone on this list is directly supporting the efforts at the request of
the Chilean government and does not have access to the resources listed on
the webpage then please send me an email ( so we
can help get access.

In turn I will prepare a list of the known ongoing efforts which we know
have started and post this list. Two such efforts is G-MOSAIC and ITHACA.

Chile is a different working environment but also an opportunity for this
wider international community to have a stronger impact in the decision
process as long as we can ensure that the work carried out is done closely
with a Chilean institution involved in the response.

Finally I do want to point out that the norm is not to have access to free
imagery for wider public use. Right now we at UN-SPIDER are looking at
getting imagery for two other disasters which are not receiving wide
attention: the landslide in Uganda and the emerging situation in Kiev with
possible record floods over the next couple of weeks.

And one last final input: once you have an assessment which will definitely
show how useful public access to free imagery is in supporting response
efforts we will be the first to work with you to raise awareness of the need
to wide access to imagery for any disaster (and not just the ones that hit
the media attention)



David Stevens
Programme Coordinator
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Vienna - Austria
Tel. ++43-(1)-26060-5631 - Skype: tazarkount
Mobile +43 - 699 1459-5631 -  E-Mail

On 3 March 2010 07:16, Chris <> wrote:

> I wouldn't be so sure of that; a few observations:
> First and foremost, it has been cloudy.
> Secondly, there is a LOT of discussion going on, with a well-
> functioning government, through well established channels, that isn't
> necessarily posted to this Google Group. That includes all well-known
> sources of imagery, software, and support services.
> Thirdly, Haiti was a VERY special case. For a lot of reasons, a vast
> amount of imagery was made available for free, and an ecosystem
> instantly rose to the occaision and filled a relative void with
> beautiful maps. Although the case can be made that, due to results of
> the past few weeks with OSM, imagery SHOULD be free for Chile, that is
> not by ANY means a general policy.  Seriously, what were the valuable
> assets? things with resolutions of less than one meter.  Would you
> suggest that, overnight, because of Haiti, every provider, satellite
> and aerial, should just say: "oh! you guys are right...I think I'll
> just forget about covering costs and give it all away...every time"
> Finally, to address item 3) the Disaster Charter mechanism was
> established. It augments item 2), and was not constructed around the
> paradigm of "crowdsourcing". Rather, it was constructed to use space
> assets to minimize loss of life and infrastructure, by allowing access
> by "participating agencies", which is a well-defined term. Arguing the
> case to equate "crowdsourcing" with "participating agencies" is a
> topic for dicussion with the charter members.  NGA, as represented by
> USGS, is the member representing DigitalGlobe and GeoEye.
> There are decent maps. UN-SPIDER is project manager for space asset
> coordination, as per the disaster charter protocol; Chile's civil
> defense ministry, ONEMI , is the consumer. More detailed info on the
> emergency ops sitrep can be found on ReliefWeb, at:
> ESRI/Chile, Autodesk Latina America, and others has been working in
> Chile, and with the government, for a very long time; i.e. there are a
> lot of other, pre-existing channels being exercised. I don't have time
> to discover and cross-post everything.
> But don't presume nothing is going on. Rather, this situation, (and
> every situation is different) is a lot different than Haiti, i.e.
> Crisismappers/Google Group is only one, of several, tools in the shed
> to fight the fire.
> If someone on this list wants to step up and start writing checks to
> make imagery available for free to all, that would be great!
> But don't presume ONEMI can't access all the imagery that's available.
> Chris Nicholas
> On Mar 2, 8:55 pm, Jean-Guilhem Cailton <> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Satellite image providers are apparently holding off high-res images of
> > Chile from public access.
> >
> > This is an attempt at a collective assessment of need.
> >
> > Based on your knowledge of the situation in Chile, and possibly of your
> > experience mapping Haiti thanks to publicly available high-res imagery,
> >
> > could you please write up your testimony or assessment of need for
> > public high-res images of Chile ?
> >
> > Think that you are writing for a journalist so:
> >
> > - try to keep it short, because he (or she) is often in a hurry,
> >
> > - be simple, because he may not be a specialist of mapping or of
> > satellite images,
> >
> > - give specific examples or facts.
> >
> > Send your assessment of need to and
> > .
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jean-Guilhem
> >
> > Chile earthquake imagery that can currently be used by OpenStreetMap for
> > tracing:
> >
> >

Vienna - Austria
skype: tazarkount
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