On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Mike Dupont <jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> Hola!
> What are the persmissions on these pictures? lets add them to the wiki,
> they are all under 2mb.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=2010_Colombia_floods
> Oh, 688 municipalitied? Doe someone have a list?
> I found the list, but it is killing my computer, too big to process.

can someone please extract a pivot table with the department, municipality
and sort them
by the most affected/most critical municipalities.
we should  be working on the most critical municipalities first.

> mike
> Translation :
> To give you an idea of what happened here, annex some pictures
> hydraulic model very impressive, showing how flooded
> Southern Atlantco by rupture of the Canal del Dique.
> This hydraulic model is developed by the University of North
> autonym the Atlantic Corporation, CorDique and winters.
> Today we have several towns submerged under the large reservoir and
> more serious, populations that are surrounded by walls very
> fragile and below the elevation of water level, as the case
> Mappers greetings and thanks for your work!
> 2010/12/17 ouɐɯnH <fredyriv...@gmail.com>
> NOTA Como no permitimos adjuntos grandes en la lista, los he subido a
>> http://crisis.ofi.co/media/puentero/
>> Para que se hagan una idea de lo que aqui sucedió, anexo unas imagenes
>> muy impresionantes del modelo hidraulico, que muestran como se inundó
>> el sur del Atlantco por la rotura del Canal del Dique.
>> Este modelo hidraulico es desarrollado por la Universidad del Norte,
>> la Corporacion Autonima del Atlantico, CorDique e Invias.
>> Hoy tenemos varios municipios sumergidos bajo este gran embalse y lo
>> mas grave, poblaciones que se encuentran rodeadas de murallas muy
>> fragiles y por debajo de la cota del nivel del agua, como el caso de
>> SUAN.
>> Saludos maperos y gracias por su trabajo!!!
>> Carlos Barrera
>> --
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>> libremente. Gratis y totalmente legal.
>> http://GaleNUx.com es el sistema de información para la salud
>> --------------------------------------///--------------------------------------
>> Teléfono USA:  (347) 688-4473 (Google voice)
>> skype: llamarafredyrivera
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> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania flossk.org
> flossal.org

James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania flossk.org
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