A new tool for looking at Bing coverage has been released, as announced on 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bing/Coverage (noted as a "modified 
version").  Using this tool to assess coverage may eliminate the need to 
collect boundary information for coverage.  Instead, one can just look at this 
tool for any area of interest and get a broad coverage overview.

I have captured an illustrative screen shot and posted it to 
 (to the right of the table).  To create this image, I needed to zoom to z=14 
and scan pan across the entire area, allowing information to be collected and 
cached for all of the z=14 tiles in the desired area, then zoom out 
incrementally to z=13, 12, 11, then 10 to allow the cached z=14 tiles to be 
'summarized' for incrementally lower resolution tiles; the tool is fast, but it 
did take some time to do the scanning and zoom reduction until I had a fully 
covered area for the Atlantico Department (the example area).  I am not sure if 
the cached information will be persistent or will expire soon; in other words, 
it might be that once an area is scanned so that a cache of data is available 
for that area, that information may then be available for all others going 
forward without needing to rescan the area and build a new short-lived cache.  
If that is true, that the cache is long lived, it would be worthwhile for 
someone to systematically scan the entire country.


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