Hola Robin. 

¿Está confirmada la "Noche de los mapas vivientes"? ¿hay algún estimado de 
que zonas se va a trabajar o con que materiales? y ¿donde es que queda 


Luis Hernando Aguilar Ramírez
Information Management Officer
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 
Bogota, Colombia
twitter: luishernando

The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of 
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and 
principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and 
international actors.

La misión de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de 
Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA) es movilizar y coordinar una respuesta 
humanitaria efectiva en el marco de los principios humanitarios, en 
colaboración con actores nacionales e internacionales.

From:   Robin Tolochko <rob...@ceelat.org>
To:     talk-co@openstreetmap.org
Date:   01/02/2012 04:32 p.m.
Subject:        Re: [Talk-co] Night of the living maps - in Colombia

Hola a tod@s,
Según el correo que mandó Fredy abajo, la idea es hacer el evento de Night 
of the Living Maps el próximo martes, 7 de febrero, por todo el mundo para 
mapear el campo, o sea las partes que son menos mapeadas. Aquí en CEELAT 
queremos ofrecer nuestro espacio para hacer un evento en Bogotá. No 
podemos ofrecer nuestro espacio para toda la noche, sino hasta las 2:00am. 
Creo que sería chévere empezar por ahí a las 7:00 o 8:00pm hasta las 
2:00am. Todos pueden traer algo para comer y sus portátiles para trabajar 

Si quieres participar, por favor mándame un correo a rob...@ceelat.org. 
Está alguien en Bogotá con conocimiento sobre mapear el campo que nos 
podría acompañar?

Cualquier pregunta, idea, duda que tienen pues que lo digan a la lista!

Robin Tolochko
Directora, Laboratorio de Mapeo
CEELAT: Centro de Estudios Estratégicos Latinoamericanos


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2012 19:33:35 -0500
From: Fredy Rivera <fredyriv...@gmail.com>
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia <talk-co@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: [Talk-co] Fwd: Night of the living maps - in Colombia
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Fredy,

together with other mappers, we got a idea: www.nightofthelivingmaps.org
But of cause, we just created this framework and the event itself
consists of the local parties, where mappers can socialise and work.
So my question is, if you might translate and submit the following
text to your local community, please?
I'm not sure if you already maintain a twitter account that I can follow?


Night of the living maps - virtual global mapping party 07.02.2012

Hello community,

since a few weeks, we had the idea for a global action, that we'd like
to announce today: www.nightofthelivingmaps.org

At Thursday, the 07.02.2012 we stay awake a whole night long, to trace
aerial imagery for the areas, that where we currently lack a lot of
informations: the countryside. Outside the big cities of your
Sadly we have no real big international events here at OSM, maybe we
can change that with this 'LAN party'?

So we please you, to ask your local OSM community, if they doesn't
want to start a small local party. It's not that much work, usually
you can get a room by univeristy/Hackerspace/local goverment/... for
free. Then you just need a few notebooks and Coffee to get the party
started ;)
We thought that it would be great, if you submit your changesets with
a comment starting with '#notlm...', so we are able to select them for
animations or just view where all of you are working.

Even if it's not the main goal to promote OSM and to attract newbies,
it would be great, if you could present your event to others. You will
find/can upload flyers and social media contacts right here:


But there is still enough stuff to do, for all of us:
-translating the wiki page for your local community
-setup animation rendering/statistics
-maybe we can get a webcam wall or something similar?
-add a tips&tricks page for your tips on good productivity and how to
surround the usual aerial tracing pitfalls

Of course we know, that using just Bing, is only #2 choice for adding
details to our database and that survey is what we all realy like. But
in this case, we believe, that it is a good compromise (see hints in
Wiki). Currently there seem to be no definitive answer if this
technique is right or wrong, maybe we can decide on this when years
passed and we can take a look back. So for now, let's just do what we
are good at: Create together a real good map :)


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