---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jean-Guilhem Cailton <j...@arkemie.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 12:10 PM
Subject: [HOT] Please sign a petition for more open access to
satellite imagery for the Philippines
To: "HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)"
<h...@openstreetmap.org>, osm-ph <talk...@openstreetmap.org>,

Dear All,

You know how useful the geodata produced by OpenStreetMap contributors
is to help the relief effort in the Philippines after typhoon Haiyan.

This effort could be even more efficient if more imagery sources had
been made available more quickly, and for a longer period of time,
especially considering the magnitude of this crisis, and the time that
will be needed to recover.

So a petition has been setup, to give a way for the public to show its
support to this request.


Please sign it, and let the people around you know that they could do
something useful for the Philippines, and for the victims of future
major disasters, with a contribution as easy as a signature.

Best wishes,


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