Hola a todos,

HOT ha empezado un programa de micro-donaciones para apoyar las comunidades
locales OSM, particularmente para comprar herramientas, acceso a Internet o
organización de talleres. Cada proyecto puede recibir 2000 a 5000 $, y
Latinoamérica es una de las regiones identificadas como prioritaria. Se
puede aplicar hasta el 12 de Marzo.

Desafortunadamente, necesitamos applicaciones en Ingles. Si ustedes
necesitan apoyo para traducir su candidatura en inglés, favor de ponerse en
contacto Martin (m_nobleco...@cartong.org), nuestros voluntarios les pueden

¡Hasta luego y suerte por los que aplicarán!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team <i...@hotosm.org>
Date: Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 4:39 PM
Subject: [info-hotosm] Apply for a HOT Microgrant!
To: i...@hotosm.org

Apply for a HOT Microgrant!
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Apply for a HOT Microgrant!

This week, we're excited to launch the first ever Humanitarian
OpenStreetMap Team Microgrants program

HOT wants to support the development of OpenStreetMap (OSM)
communities through providing funding for basics like GPS devices, internet
access, and training costs. We'll provide up to ten Microgrants of $2,000 -
$5,000 USD. Our goal is to enable the development of local OSM
communities to increase skills, capacity and experience. We will award
grants to projects which broadly contribute to HOT's mission.

More details on the programme and the application form can be found here
We'll provide support to applicants before, during and after the grants
period. Applications must be received by *12th March 2017.*

We are primarily looking to support communities in Southeast Asia, South
Asia, Latin America/Caribbean and Africa, but will consider other locations.

Contact microgra...@hotosm.org with questions.

So what are you waiting for - apply now!

With many thanks to all donors who supported our #mapthedifference campaign
make this programme possible, especially our generous corporate partners
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Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
1110 Vermont Ave NW
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Washington, DC 20005
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Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team · 1110 Vermont Ave NW · Suite 500 ·
Washington, DC 20005 · USA

*Rebecca Firth*
Community Partnerships Manager
rebecca.fi...@hotosm.org <tyler.radf...@hotosm.org>
Skype: rebeccafirth

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
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