Preposilam zpravy z centraly okolo State Of The Map, Mike Collinson

krátká aktualita od organizátorů State Of The Map:
Máte zájem navštívit konferenci State Of The Map 2009 v Amstrdamu
10.-12. července?
Jste už zaregistrováni?

Prosím o ujištění, zda jste si zabezpečili ubytování. Později bude
sezóna v plném proudu a přijatelné ubytování nebude k dispozici. Pokud
tak učiníte ještě teď budete si moci vybrat z různých cenových
nabídek. Důležité info najdete na:

Těšíme se na vás v létě v Amstrdamu!

martijn van exel -+- -+-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Collinson <>
Date: 2009/4/16
Subject: Message for your OSM mailing list

Please send the following message to your country mailing list.

Thanks to all who volunteered to relay and if necessary translate
messages to OSM country mailing lists.

Even if you do not translate, your help is much appreciated. I am not
a member of most lists.

Mike Collinson


Hi there,

A quick update from the State Of The Map team.

Are you considering attending State Of The Map 2009 in Amsterdam on
July 10-12th?
May be you already registered?

Please be sure to book your accommodation in Amsterdam as soon as
possible as well. It will be high season and affordable accommodation
can be hard to come by - but if you act now, you'll still be able to
pick from a wide range of places to stay in all price ranges. There's
some suggestions for you on

We hope to see you in Amsterdam this summer!

martijn van exel -+- -+- If you have not registered!

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