Resi nekdo OSM data per kraje? Na webu jsem nasel jen kyblsoft coz je cela
CZ. Pokud by to melo smysl i pro neco jineho, klidne to taky zkusim, jinak
muzu rict frantikum, at to pro nas udelaji oni, kdyz se nabizi.

(jinak CZ je i na geofabrik, takze tam se da brat asi zdroj kdyby na to


----- Forwarded message from Jocelyn Jaubert <> -----

Le 25/11/2014 17:48, Frédéric Rodrigo a écrit :
> You must add this line :
> 415 Mo default_country("europe", "Czech_Republic", 51684, {"country": "CZ",
> "language": "cs","proj": 32633}, download_repo=GEOFABRIK)

Note, as explained by Frédéric earlier, this is a quite big country. It
might several hours to run on your machine.

If you have regions, or any subdivision in Czech Republic, it might be worth
generating extracts for these, and use these extracts to run analyses.

If you already have extracts in your community, this would be very good.
Otherwise, we (OSM-FR) can generate extracts, as we already do for other
countries at:

----- End forwarded message -----


  Tomas Kasparek               e-mail:
  CVT FIT VUT Brno, L127       jabber:
  Bozetechova 1, 612 66        web   :
  Brno, Czech Republic         phone : +420 54114-1220

  GPG:    2F1E 1AAF FD3B CFA3 1537  63BD DCBE 18FF A035 53BC

  May the command line live forever!

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