This is now a formal proposal to mechanically remove:


From 200,000+ nodes.  See


The original mapper has commented on this proposal:

*The fixmes are useless and can be deleted.*

*The denotation flags still have their value. But I won't reopen the old
discussion. It has been done to death back then. If people prefer to
destroy other mapper's work by forcing a new meaning on existing objects
with mass imports then that's the way it is.*

And I disagree, since the tags can mechanically be derived from the data,
and since nobody is maintaining the denotation tag.

The original mapper's statement was:

*NopMap: **Thu Sep 9 07:44:05 BST 2010*
*From the topology analysis, I have marked every tree without further*
*information that has another tree within 50m with "denotation=cluster" so*
*you can tell it is not a single tree. That should be sufficient for*
*distinguishing mass trees and solve the ambiguity. And it's not a*
*"probably", but a simple fact.*

*For a first step, this was limited to all trees in Germany, I will extend
*in a few days when I have more time.*

On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 3:23 AM, SomeoneElse <> wrote:

> Just for a bit of background on this specific issue, for the lucky people
> who missed out on it last time around, the mechanical edit that added
> values was discussed here:
> and there's some discussion (a couple of years after the event) on the
> German forum here:
> The discussion on the GB list lead to a revert there:
> More comment from the Netherlands:
> Cheers,
> Andy
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