On Monday 13 November 2017, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all, my apologies for posting to talk-de in English. Feel
> free to respond in German. It would be great if someone can volunteer
> to translate this message into German and repost this message in
> other relevant channels. Thank you!
> You may be aware that FOOSGIS e.V. has applied to become the official
> German Local Chapter of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. As part of the
> application process, I am asking you, the German community, to share
> any questions, comments or concerns that you have, so we can address
> them.

For reference: the subject has previously been discussed here in:


Frederik has probably already summarized the main points of this 
discussion (in which the reaction was generally positive) to the OSMF 

Christoph Hormann

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