Dieses Jahr habe ich auf den Chemnitzer Linuxtagen einen OSM-Vortrag
gehalten. Vielleicht mag das n�chstes Jahr jemand anderes �bernehmen?
Immerhin werden wir im Call For Papers direkt genannt (s.u.), da k�nnen
wir uns ja eigentlich nicht lumpen lassen.


----- Forwarded message from "S.Kemter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: "S.Kemter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:13:56 +0200
Subject: [oe] call for presentation clt

Dear readers,

Call for lectures

On 14 and 15 March 2009 the 11th "Chemnitzer Linux-Tage" will take
place. It's dedicated to the slogan "knowing, what's inside". With
immediate effect contributions for this conference are accepted.
The call for lectures is addressed to both speakers for talks and
workshops. This year the conference will be focused on "mobile
platforms", "data in the net" and "development today". "Mobile
platforms" addresses lectures covering technology and development kits
for cell phones, smartphones and other mobile devices. "Data in the
net" embraces the vast number of opportunities on the Internet like
OpenStreetMap or Youtube. This also includes talks dealing with
opportunities and threats that come with these  technologies.
"Development today" covers tools as well as organisation issues related
to Open Source development. Furthermore, we welcome lectures that offer
help and motivation to beginners as part of the "Einsteigerforum".
Contributions can be submitted to http://www.linux-tage.de until 5
January 2009.

The call for presentation is addressed to Open Source projects and
companies who have the opportunity to introduce themselves in the
Linux-Live area with a stand or poster session. Distributions and
operating systems are as welcome as communities and applications. The
organisation offers help for poster production to projects and
developers. Submissions for this area are possible at
http://www.linux-tage.de until 5 January 2009.

Together with the 11th Chemnitzer Linux-Tage the scientific "Workshop on
Innovative Operating System Concepts" (WIOSC) takes place. This is
based on the idea to better connect the creativity of the Open Source
Community with the academic world. This workshop will focus on
innovative concepts for Operating Systems. Papers can be submitted for
this workshop until 11 November 2008. For further information please
refer to http://osg.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/wiosc09/cfp.php
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage "wissen, was drin steckt" 14.-15.M�rz 2009 TU Chemnitz

BR Sirko
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage "wissen, was drin steckt" 14.-15.M�rz 2009 TU Chemnitz

----- End forwarded message -----

Jochen Topf  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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