
Jan Tappenbeck <o...@tappenbeck.net> writes:
> Was passiert - es werden zwar Dateien und teilweise Verzeichnisse 
> angelegt. Aber wie mit "Speichern unter" sieht es nicht aus. Offline 
> lesen lassen sich die Dateien nicht. PHP wird z.b. mit der PHP-Endung 
> gezogen. Bei "Speichern unter" sind (alles) htm(l)-Dateien.

schau doch in die Hilfe:
| -E
| --html-extension
|     If a file of type application/xhtml+xml or text/html is
|     downloaded and the URL does not end with the regexp
|     \.[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]?, this option will cause the suffix .html to
|     be appended to the local filename.  This is useful, for instance,
|     when you're mirroring a remote site that uses .asp pages, but you
|     want the mirrored pages to be viewable on your stock Apache
|     server.  Another good use for this is when you're downloading
|     CGI-generated materials.  A URL like
|     http://site.com/article.cgi?25 will be saved as
|     article.cgi?25.html.

eventuell brauchst du noch folgendes:
| -k
| --convert-links
|     After the download is complete, convert the links in the document
|     to make them suitable for local viewing.  This affects not only
|     the visible hyperlinks, but any part of the document that links
|     to external content, such as embedded images, links to style
|     sheets, hyperlinks to non-HTML content, etc.

Viele Grüße
Sebastian Waschik

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