Am 12.01.2011 17:01, schrieb Brian Quinion:

> The new word lists have not yet gone live.  This problem was one of
> the reasons for creating the new wiki pages because previously we were
> missing plurals and variations.
> The version using the new wiki word lists will go live next week.  In
> the mean time I have manually added 'post offices' to resolve this.

Thanks Brian,

another minor thing:

When searching "Bank nah Lüdinghausen" I get (money)banks
and benches (Sitzbanken / amenity=bench) in the result list, because
in german "bank" has this two meanings.

This is somewhat confusing.

Would it be possible to have another (optional) column in the word list
which will be used for the result list?

So instead of

* Bank Volksbank Lüdinghausen
* Bank Südwiese Lüdinghausen

it should return

* Bank Volksbank Lüdinghausen
* Sitzbank Südwiese Lüdinghausen


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