Rainer Dorsch schrieb:
I am wondering if osm data contains information which helps rounting programs
like navit to announce before a crossing which lane to take, when there are
multiple lanes (e.g. one for turning left, one for straight or turning right).
Not yet AFAIK.
Deriving that simply from the angles the streets meet at the crossing does not
work reliably....
As an example see the bug report, I opened against navit:
may be deriving by the angles of streets does not always work reliable,
but in this special case routers may be helped by turn retrictions:
- set a 'only strait' restriction from way 74034335 via node 97192910 to
way 74034334
It is obvious, that Navit prefers the secondary before the residential ...
- There is to turning left from Albert-Schäffele-Straße to Planckstraße.
(Did you meant Pischekstraße?)
- I would split the small way between the both secondary main ways from
Payerstraße and unname it.
In such cases, where the 'crossing' roads have different street names it
may lead to wrong anouncements, if the small 'between' is named - and do
you really know, which name is the correct one?
One may also raise it up to secondary, as it is part of the main street
... same classification would also avoid such triangular navigation.
Another 'no left turn' restriction at node 162908427 is obsolete yet -
but may clarify the situation.
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