On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 12:55, Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Who is caring for the german translation of the current OSM wiki?
> In the german GUI translation of the wiki homepage (Mediawiki) there
> seems to be a void weblink: In the navigation panel, the weblink
> "Gemeinschafts-Portal" points to
> [[OpenStreetMap:Gemeinschafts-Portal]] which is an empty page. I think
> this should point to [[DE:Mapping_projects]].
> If this is the intended target URL then I pose the question if the
> "Gemeinschafts-Portal" should'nt be translated as
> "Gemeinschaftsprojekte"?

In Swedish it links to: OpenStreetMap:Deltagarportalen which is also
blank. But you can add a redirect, e.g.
"#redirect[[DE:Mapping_projects]]" on
OpenStreetMap:Gemeinschafts-Portal and you should get what you want.

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