On 06/12/2010, at 17.29, Thies Pierdola wrote:

Hi Danmark,

with the new Bing dataset released, I started drawing buildings.

One simple question came up, what do I do with kms/address markers?

1) Leave them as they are?

Yes, please. We would like the OSAK nodes to be updated by a bot in the future, and moving them/changing their content will only disturb or complicate that process. If you remove one, it will likely be recreated by the bot when comes along to that street anyway.

2) Transfer the data to the new buildings and remove the markers?

3) Put them in some kind of relation?

You could duplicate the OSAK information for a building that only contains a single address, and you could create a relation for buildings with more then one address. But frankly, I don't see the point. The address nodes work fine with routing algorithms, and what else do you need?

On a similar note, I considered assempling streets and address nodes in a associatedStreet relation, on a systematic level it seems logical, but again, I fail to see what it should be used for. A lot of added data and complexity (that needs maintenance) with any real benefits.

I hope there is some kind of convention about this. For now I leave them as they are and just draw buildings, as i don't want to mess up the address data.

That is exactly what we want, AFAIAC :-)


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