Nu når der åbnet for en dialog. Syntes jeg at det vil være fint at vente på
at gå til yderligere tilværks via DWG.

Det vil være en god idé her på listen.

Den 11/04/2016 11.46 skrev "Michael Andersen" <>:

> Jeg fik svar fra DWG (se nederst i mailen)
> Jeg vil selv fortsætte kommunikationen med TrafikAlarm. Andre er dog
> velkomne
> til at byde ind hvis der er noget specifikt.
> På får man et overblik over hvor
> TrafikAlarm
> står som "last modifier" (altså den sidste der har redigeret en vej). Hvis
> nogen af jer vil tjekke nogen af de berørte veje med henblik på en generel
> vurdering af om der skal reverteres vil det være godt.
> Hvis nogen af jer igen bemærker hvad der ligner automatiske redigeringer,
> er i
> velkomne til også at kontakte DWG og bede dem blokere det.
> Mvh Hjart
>  ------------Svar fra DWG ----------
> Søndag den 10. april 2016 19:43:56 skrev du:
> > Dear Michael,
> >
> > Thanks for letting us know about this situation.
> >
> > Since you have initially made contact with and have an open communication
> > channel with the company, are you interested in continuing to converse
> with
> > them regarding the situation? If so, we need to first convey that any
> sort
> > of automated or mechanical edits need to be thought out in detail and
> > discussed with the OpenStreetMap community before they unleash any sort
> of
> > automated way-splitting or speed adding bot (e.g.
> >
> Another
> > thing for them is that max speeds should not be haphazardly added based
> on
> > solely one anonymous user report in some area (the location could be off,
> > it could be mistyped, etc.).
> >
> > If you don't want to contact them anymore or would just prefer to hand it
> > off, I'm happy to send them a mail and get in touch with this same
> person.
> >
> > In regards to the edits, are you familiar with any of the ways they have
> > modified? It may be necessary to for us revert most or all of the
> > edits--especially in cases where they edited large segments of ways using
> > iD--but I am curious if any of the edits have been meaningful/potentially
> > correct.
> >
> > Best,
> > Ethan aka FTA
> >
> > --
> > OpenStreetMap Foundation
> > Data Working Group -
> > --
> > [Ticket#2016041010000014]
> >
> > 04/10/2016 18:06 - Michael Andersen wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I've been wondering about the edits of
> > [1] for a while.
> >
> > The account has been editing maxspeed all over Denmark. It never split
> roads
> > (OSM-ways) though and even edited it's own edits as if it where getting
> > reports from different spots along the way.
> >
> > Last week I sent an email to asking whether they
> knew
> > about this. They did and just now I received the following from them:
> >
> > ---------- Videresendt brev ----------
> >
> > Emne: Fwd: Re: [Talk-dk] Trafikalarm
> >
> > Dato: Søndag den 10. april 2016, 16:42:35
> >
> > Fra: Trafik Alarm <>
> >
> > Til: Michael Andersen <>
> >
> > ##- Indtast dit svar oven for denne linje -##
> >
> > Din henvendelse (ID#21690) er blevet opdateret. BESVAR venligst denne
> e-mail
> >
> > hvis du har noget at tilføje, eller yderligere spørgsmål der vedrører
> denne
> >
> > henvendelse.
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------
> >
> > Fiona, 10. apr. 18.42
> >
> > Hej igen Michael,
> >
> > De indmeldinger du oplever fra Trafik Alarm er generet via appen, og
> nogen
> >
> > (hvis ikke alle) af problemerne med de hyppige rettelser i Open Street
> Map,
> >
> > skyldes at vi ikke kan få appen til at automatisk at tilordne
> informationen
> >
> > fra indmeldingspunktet til den korrekte bid af vejstrækningen, så vi
> søger
> >
> > derfor noget input til hvordan man (automatisk) kan løse dette.
> >
> > Er det noget du kan hjælpe med ideer til?
> >
> > Mvh
> >
> > Fiona
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------
> >
> > Basically they are telling me that all of the edits of this account has
> been
> > automatic and are even asking me whether I can help figuring out how to
> > *automatically" split roads.
> >
> > I didn't see any edits from the account since I contacted them first.
> >
> > I mentioned this on [2]irc:// and was adviced by Simon
> Poole
> > to contact the DWG
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > [3]
> >
> >
> >
> > [1]
> > [2] irc://
> > [3]
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