On Jueves, 7 de junio de 2012 09:09:14 Javier Sánchez escribió:

Tu respuesta no ha llegado a la lista de imports ¡se la has manado solo a paul!
Creo que deberías de enviarla también a imports.

> Hola
> Nos hemos cruzado Cruz y yo en la respuesta de Paul Norman para la
> importación de ELEMTEX.
> Resumen: Vamos por buen camino pero hay que currar un poco más.
> * Sería conveniente añadir algún proceso en Cat2Osm para filtrar
> algunos nodos y asignar etiquetas a POI's.
> * Es necesario un control de calidad sobre los datos.
> A continuación el mensaje completo traducido.
> > - Some nodes have only name, source and source:date tags while others have
> > those and place=locality
> > Algunos nodos sólo tienen las etiquetas nombre, source y source:date,
> > mientras que otros tienen place=locality
> Sí. La mayoría de los nodos corresponden a lugares parajes y tienen la
> etiqueta place=locality asignada provisionalmente. Después de una
> revisión manual, algunos de ellos podrían ser asignados a lugares
> poblados, habitualmente de los pequeños como isolated_dwelling y
> hamlet. Si el nodo no tiene place=locality, lo más probable es que sea
> un POI.
> > - Some have absurd names (e.g. name=-I+I and name=P-1, P-2, etc). These
> > could be dealt with manually but it would be worth seeing how common they
> > are and dealing with them in the conversion
> Algunos tienen nombre absurdos (e.g. name=-I+I y name=P-1, P-2, etc).
> Se podrían manejar a mano pero podría merecer la pena comprobar su
> frecuencia y tratarlos en la conversión.
> Si. Se corresponden con números de parcela (por ejemplo en polígonos
> industriales). Son propensos a eliminación. Se puede añadir algún
> proceso en el programa para detectarlos y filtrarlos. Se lo comentaré
> a los programadores.
> > - Some of the names could be translated to tagging, e.g. name=GASOLINERA
> > could be turned into amenity=fuel. Again, this would depend how common they
> > are and how consistent they are.
> Algunos nombres pueden traducirse a etiquetas, por ejemplo
> name=GASOLINERA en amenity=fuel. De nuevo depende de su frecuencia y
> consistencia.
> Si también. De nuevo el programa podría tomar decisiones sobre esto.
> > - All I noticed with the processed file is that were some ways with only
> > source, source:date and name tags.
> Todo lo que he visto en el fichero procesado es que hay algunas vías
> con sólo las etiquetas source, source:date y name.
> "Mea culpa" Estoy avergonzado, es un error mio. Hay una vía que
> corresponde a una escuela y un nodo a un cementerio sin etiquetas
> físicas.
> > CanVec has convinced me that going this method with imports requires some
> > sort of QA plan or one importer will not check any of their work and cause
> > duplicates, disconnected data, bad data, etc.
> ¿CanVec? me ha convecido de que usar este método con importaciones
> requiere de algún tipo de plan de control de calidad o algún
> importador no comprobará todo su trabajo provocando duplicados, datos
> inconexos, malos, etc.
> Está demostrado con los errores que he cometido.
> > The problem is not that there aren't tools for checking your own work, the
> > problem is that some people will not use them and cause significant damage.
> > I can't suggest a solution for this, and I think it is not as significant
> > for this particular data set, but it is definitely an issue when you start
> > getting into others like roads and landuse.
> El problema no es que no existan herramientas para comprobar tu propio
> trabajo, el problema es que algunos no las usarán y pueden provocar
> daños significativos. Puedo sugerirte una solución para esto, y pienso
> que no es tan significativo para este conjunto de datos en particular,
> pero definitivamente es un punto a tener en cuenta cuando pases a
> otros como carreteras y uso del terreno.
> Haz tu sugerencia, por favor. Yo propongo publicar los archivos
> procesados y solicitar en la lista española (o aquí) una revisión por
> una segunda persona antes de subir los datos.
> > If you find a good solution for this problem, please document it and let
> > everyone know as it is a big problem with imports done by multiple people
> > who may have varying standards.
> Si encuentras una buena solución a este problema documéntala por favor
> y déjanosla saber ya que se trata de un problema importante con
> importaciones realizadas por muchas personas que pueden tener
> criterios variables.
> Corregiré estos puntos. Muchas gracias por todos.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Javier Sánchez <javiers...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2012/6/7
> Subject: Re: [Imports] Spanish Cadastre ELEMTEX
> To: Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>
> 2012/6/7 Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>:
> >> From: Javier Sánchez
> >> Subject: [Imports] Spanish Cadastre ELEMTEX
> >>
> >> The ELEMTEX layer contains text labels about unpopulated places, many
> >> small populated places and points of interest (like police stations,
> >> post offices, hospitals, schools, etc), but they are not categorized.
> >> These data are extracted with an option of Cat2Osm. The result consist
> >> of nodes with the tags name=*, source=cadastre and source:date=*. The
> >> job basically consists in manually check nodes, assign tags most
> >> suitable to describe the elements based on the name and local knowledge,
> >> drop which of them that can not be classified, correct other errors like
> >> spelling and conflate with existing OSM data.
> >>
> >> As example two files are attached. The first is the output generated by
> >> the program Cat2Osm for a municipality [3]. The second contains the data
> >> reviewed manually [4].
> >
> > I have a few comments, some on the raw data, some on the edited data. This
> > is much improved and dealing with a smaller subset of data makes it much
> > easier to review.
> >
> > - Some nodes have only name, source and source:date tags while others have
> > those and place=locality
> Yes. Most of the nodes correspond to unpopulated places and have the
> tag place=locality assigned tentatively. After a manual revision, some
> of them could be assigned to populated places, ussually small ones
> like issolated dwelling and hamlet. If the node don't have
> place=locality, most probably it is a POI.
> > - Some have absurd names (e.g. name=-I+I and name=P-1, P-2, etc). These
> > could be dealt with manually but it would be worth seeing how common they
> > are and dealing with them in the conversion
> Yes. They correspond to parcel numbers (for example in a industrial
> estate). They are prone to deletion. Some kind of automatic proccess
> could be added in the program to detect them and filter. I will
> suggest this to the programers.
> > - Some of the names could be translated to tagging, e.g. name=GASOLINERA
> > could be turned into amenity=fuel. Again, this would depend how common they
> > are and how consistent they are.
> Also yes. Again the program could take some decisions on this.
> > - All I noticed with the processed file is that were some ways with only
> > source, source:date and name tags.
> "Mea culpa" I'm embarrassed, this is a mistake of mine. There is one
> way corresponding to a school and one node corresponding to a
> cementery  without phisical tags.
> > CanVec has convinced me that going this method with imports requires some
> > sort of QA plan or one importer will not check any of their work and cause
> > duplicates, disconnected data, bad data, etc.
> And it is demostrated with my previous mistakes.
> > The problem is not that there aren't tools for checking your own work, the
> > problem is that some people will not use them and cause significant damage.
> > I can't suggest a solution for this, and I think it is not as significant
> > for this particular data set, but it is definitely an issue when you start
> > getting into others like roads and landuse.
> Please make your suggestion. I propose publishing the processed osm
> files and ask in the Spanish list (or here by the way) for a revision
> by a second peer prior to upload.
> > If you find a good solution for this problem, please document it and let
> > everyone know as it is a big problem with imports done by multiple people
> > who may have varying standards.
> I will correct this points. Thank you very much for all.
> Javier
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Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández
Email: cruz.bor...@deusto.es

DeustoTech Energy
Telefono: 944139000 ext.2052
Avda. Universidades, 24
48007 Bilbao, Spain

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