Thank you very much, you are right.

Corrected in the wiki, in the code and we will check for tags consistency.

2013/1/18 Rafael Avila Coya <>:
> On 18/01/13 00:01, Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez wrote:
>> Fist of all, thanks for the comments. I will answers them in place.
>>> There appear to be some ways with duplicated way nodes (i.e. a way having
>>> the same node multiple times, other than when closing a loop). JOSM's
>>> validator can find these.
>> This have already been addressed.
>>> There are some duplicate nodes. An example can be found at 40.8253351,
>>> -5.4437406. I'll be talking more about duplicate nodes later.
>> I am not sure about this (most probably is a duplicate node in the original 
>> data)
>> but in any case the JOSM validator should catch these. We have tried very 
>> hard
>> to reuse as much nodes and ways as the data allow us.
>>> The road network does not appear to be consistently connected, for example
>>> at 40.8182542, -5.4476705
>> We are already aware of this problem. The road network is probably the less
>> interested part of the dataset: they are inaccurate and their geometries are
>> completely screw-up. It is only provided because some locals mapper thought
>> that it can be useful as a starting point in a completely empty place.
>>> Tagging:
>>> You appear to be using landuse=reservoir for unknown water. Most of the ones
>>> I looked at would be better suited as natural=water. natural=water is also
>>> better suited for unknown bodies of water.
>> Geometries with water tags are one of the most difficult tags to translate.
>> The problem comes from the original data: it does not maintain internal
>> consistency between different towns. Others difficult tags are parking
>> spaces and greenfield for the same reason. In the end, all of them (and
>> probably others ones that will appear in other regions) should be revised
>> manually by the local community. We have already planned to have
>> wiki pages with regional information about the import process given tips
>> about this things.
>>> Are there any tags that will be used other than those in this sample file?
>> This is the full list (sorry about the spanish):
>> Please, if you found any mistake, let us know before changing the table.
> I let you know some mistakes I've seen:
> 1) In "Tipos de cultivo", the MI "Mimbreras o cañaverales", is tagged
> wetland=marsh, that is better tagged as natural=wetland + wetland=marsh
> ( )
> 2) For regular expresions for ROTULO, at the end of the page, I think
> tags should be consistent with those we have in other parts of the file,
> like for example:
> Ermita (RER,SER) is tagged as amenity=place_of_worship,
> religion=christian, denomination=catholic, building=hermitage in the
> Religioso (R) section, but tagged as amenity=place_of_worship,
> religion=christian, denomination=roman_catholic, building=church in the
> table of "expresión regular" at the end of the page.
> I didn't correct any of these errors.
>>> The import is proposing a new tag, use=agricultural. This is found on
>>> landuse=meadow areas. Are there any new tags that this import is proposing
>>> to use?
>> This is ,almost for sure, a bug in our code. Anyway, the complete list are in
>> the previous link.
>>> How were the tag translations arrived at?
>> The translation tags was made from:
>> - What catastro documentation said:
>> - What experts mappers have said. In fact, the pages have been almost
>> completely filled by expert mappers from the Spanish community.
>> - What persons close to the catastro office have said to us.
>> - Obviously, our own experience using this data in other projects.
>>> Taking the example of
>>> landuse=greenfield, was this decided on based on descriptions from the
>>> catastro, or was it based on inspection of the areas that it applies to with
>>> aerial imagery, surveys or other resources?
>>> The areas tagged with landuser=greenfield aren't areas with no past or
>>> present buildings scheduled for development (i.e. virgin ground that will be
>>> turned into a construction site)
>> Our experience over that specific tag is that catastro have overused it: 
>> there
>> are places tagged (in catastro) as a greenfield that should be another thing
>> (normally landuse=village_green or recreation_ground). Probably this is
>> due to differences in the definitions of the two ontologies.
>>> If you go for this method, how do you intend to handle duplicate nodes? The
>>> problem is that if two files that contain nodes at the same position are
>>> uploaded in two different edit sessions JOSM will not merge the nodes, even
>>> if they were merged in the concatenated file.
>> This problem should not happen never. The splitted files consist on an entire
>> block of buildings that cannot share any node, by definition. In any case, 
>> the
>> conflation with existing data will be responsibility of the local mappers.
>>> Other:
>>> To what extent do you intend the importers verify the data? Do you expect
>>> them to
>>> 1. Verify each object in some way against some other source (e.g. imagery)
>>> 2. Verify the file for consistency (e.g. that no buildings are in water)
>>> 3. Rely on cat2osm2's verification
>> We expect them to use (at least) 1 and 2 and of course the JOSM validator.
>> I am not sure on what you mean with 3.
>> Moreover, we think that this task should be made ONLY by experts mappers
>> who really know the surrounding area in order to be able to fix the
>> ambiguities or the mistakes. Even more, probably some of them have to be
>> resolved "in place".
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Ander Pijoan Lamas
Research Assistant, Deustotech
Computer Science Engineer
University of Deusto

Phone: +34 664471228

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