
je suis en train de partiellement réécrire le fichier
afin d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Cette version s'appuie sur
ma version tres legerement modifiee intialement. Je n'ai pas fini de
coder certains elements qui sont mineurs, mais le plus important
fonctionne maintenant. Puisque je m'en sers pour Corine, je pense donner
un avant gout a la communaute francaise pour que les gens puissent
experimenter un peu avec s'ils veulent.
Les améliorations sont les suivantes:
-   Support de OSM 0.6
-   Meilleur support des advanced polygons: les ways trop longues sont
maintenant coupées en différentes ways, et une relation est créée si
besoin est
-   Code partiellement factorisé et commenté

Il reste a ajouter les choses suivantes:
-   Factoriser le code car certaines parties sont redondantes
-   Nettoyer le code et lui enlever les parties superflues (le nom du
fichier sera change pour ne pas creer de confusion avec les
fonctionnalités actuelles, qui me semblent d'ailleurs inutiles)
-   Changer la boucle principale afin que chaque ways coupées aient ses
nodes avant au lieu d'avoir tous les nodes avant la série des ways coupées
-   Documenter le code encore plus

Je pense finir demain le code. Celui-ci permettra une meilleure gestion
de l'import Corine. Cela enlève une étape (la conversion en format de
fichier 0.6 par Osmose). La prochaine version après celle ci ajoutera le
support multi-polygone.

Emilie Laffray

This script is designed to act as assistance in converting shapefiles
to OpenStreetMap data. This file is optimized and tested with MassGIS
shapefiles, converted to EPSG:4326 before being passed to the script.
You can perform this conversion with 

   ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 new_file.shp old_file.shp

It is expected that you will modify the fixed_tags, tag_mapping, and
boring_tags attributes of this script before running. You should read,
or at least skim, the code up until it says:


to accomodate your own data. 

__author__ = "Christopher Schmidt <>"
__version__ = "$Id$"

gdal_install = """
Installing GDAL depends on your platform. Information is available at:

For Debian-based systems:

   apt-get install python-gdal

will usually suffice. 

import time

# These tags are attached to all exterior ways. You can put any key/value pairs
# in this dictionary. 

fixed_tags = {}  

# Here are a number of functions: These functions define tag mappings. The API
# For these functions is that they are passed the attributes from a feature,
# and they return a list of two-tuples which match to key/value pairs.

def access(data):
    """Access restrictions."""  
    keys = {
        'Y': 'yes',
        'N': 'private',
        'L': 'restricted'
    if 'pub_access' in data:
        if data['pub_access'] in keys:
            return [('access', keys[data['pub_access']])]
    return None        

def protection(data):
    keys = {
        'P': 'perpetuity',
        'T': 'temporary',
        'L': 'limited',
    if 'lev_prot' in data:
        if data['lev_prot'] in keys:
            return [('protected', keys[data['lev_prot']])]
    return None

def owner_type(data):
    """See wiki:Key:ownership""" 
    keys = {
        'F': 'national',
        'S': 'state',
        'C': 'county',
        'M': 'municipal',
        'N': 'private_nonprofit',
        'P': 'private',
        'B': 'public_nonprofit',
        'L': 'land_trust',
        'G': 'conservation_rganization',
        'I': 'inholding',
    if 'owner_type' in data:
        if data['owner_type'] in keys:
            return [['ownership', keys[data['owner_type']]]]

def purpose(data):
    """Based on a discussion on IRC"""
    keys = {
        'R': [('leisure', 'recreation_ground')],
        'C': [('leisure', 'nature_reserve'), ('landuse', 'conservation')],
        'B': [('landuse','conservation'), ('leisure','recreation_ground')],
        'H': [('historical', 'yes')],
        'A': [('agricultural', 'yes'), ('landuse','farm')], 
        'W': [('landuse', 'resevoir')],
        'S': [('scenic','yes')],
        'F': [('landuse','land')],
        'Q': [('landuse','conservation')],
        'U': [('water','yes')]
    if 'prim_purp' in data:
        if data['prim_purp'] in keys:
            return keys[data['prim_purp']]

def name_tags(data):
    """This function returns two things: a 'pretty' name to use, and
       may return a landuse of either 'cemetery' or 'forest' if the name
       contains those words; based on evaluation the dataset in question."""
    tags = [] 
    name = data.get('site_name', None)
    if not name: 
    name = name.title()
    if "cemetery" in name.lower():
        tags.append(['landuse', 'cemetery']) 
    elif "forest" in name.lower():
        tags.append(['landuse', 'forest']) 

    tags.append(['name', name])
    return tags

def cal_date(data):
    """Return YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY formatted dates, based on 
       (m)m/(d)d/yyyy dates"""
    date = data.get('cal_date_r', None)
    if not date: return
        m, d, y = map(int, date.split("/"))
        if m == 1 and d == 1:
            return [['start_date', '%4i' % y]]
        return [['start_date', '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (y, m, d)]] 
        print "Invalid date: %s" % date
        return None

# The most important part of the code: define a set of key/value pairs
# to iterate over to generate keys. This is a list of two-tuples: first
# is a 'key', which is only used if the second value is a string. In
# that case, it is a map of lowercased fielnames to OSM tag names: so
# fee_owner maps to 'owner' in the OSM output.

# if the latter is callable (has a __call__; is a function), then that
# method is called, passing in a dict of feature attributes with
# lowercased key names. Those functions can then return a list of
# two-tuples to be used as tags, or nothin' to skip the tags.  

tag_mapping = [ 
    ('fee_owner', 'owner'),
    ('cal_date', cal_date),
    ('pub_access', access),
    ('lev_prot', protection),
    ('owner_type', owner_type),
    ('prim_purp', purpose),
    ('site_name', name_tags),

# These tags are not exported, even with the source data; this should be
# used for tags which are usually calculated in a GIS. AREA and LEN are
# common.

boring_tags = [ 'AREA', 'LEN', 'GIS_ACRES' ]

# Namespace is used to prefix existing data attributes. If 'None', or 
# '--no-source' is set, then source attributes are not exported, only
# attributes in tag_mapping.

namespace = "massgis"
#namespace = None 

# Uncomment the "DONT_RUN = False" line to get started. 

DONT_RUN = False

# =========== DO NOT CHANGE AFTER THIS LINE. ===========================
# Below here is regular code, part of the file. This is not designed to
# be modified by users.
# ======================================================================

import sys

        from osgeo import ogr
    except ImportError:
        import ogr
except ImportError:
    __doc__ += gdal_install 
    if DONT_RUN:
        print __doc__
    print "OGR Python Bindings not installed.\n%s" % gdal_install

def close_file():
    """ Internal. Close an open file."""
    global open_file
    if not open_file.closed: 

def start_new_file():
    """ Internal. Open a new file, closing existing file if neccesary."""
    global open_file, file_counter
    file_counter += 1
    if open_file:
    open_file = open("%s.%s.osm" % (file_name, file_counter), "w")
    print >>open_file, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
    print >>open_file, "<osm version='0.6' generator=\"polyshp2osm\">"

def clean_attr(val):
    """Internal. Hacky way to make attribute XML safe."""
    val = str(val)
    val = val.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("'", "&quot;").replace("<", 
"&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;").strip()
    return val

def add_ring_nodes(ring):
    """Internal. Write the first ring nodes."""
    global open_file, id_counter
    ids = []
    if range(ring.GetPointCount() - 1) == 0 or ring.GetPointCount() == 0:
        print >>sys.stderr, "Degenerate ring." 
    for count in range(ring.GetPointCount()-1):
        print >>open_file, "<node id='-%s' version=\"1\" timestamp=\"%s\" 
lon='%s' lat='%s' />" % (id_counter, timestamp, ring.GetX(count), 
ring.GetY(count)) #print count
        id_counter += 1
    return ids    

def add_ring_way(ring): 
        """Internal. write out the 'holes' in a polygon."""
        global open_file, id_counter

        ids = []
        for count in range(ring.GetPointCount()-1):
                print >>open_file, "<node id='-%s' version=\"1\" 
timestamp=\"%s\" lon='%s' lat='%s' />" % (id_counter, timestamp, 
ring.GetX(count), ring.GetY(count)) #print count
                id_counter += 1
        if len(ids) == 0:
                return None
        # We are now writing the way
        print >>open_file, "<way id='-%s' version=\"1\" timestamp=\"%s\">" % 
(id_counter, timestamp)
        way_id = id_counter
        id_counter += 1
        nodeCounter = 0
        for i in ids:
                print >>open_file, "<nd ref='-%s' />" % i
                # This code will break long ways into multiple ways
                if (nodeCounter > 0) and ((nodeCounter % 2000) == 0):
                        # We are closing the current way
                        print >>open_file, "</way>"

                        # We are now opening the new way
                        print >>open_file, "<way id='-%s' version=\"1\" 
timestamp=\"%s\">" % (id_counter, timestamp)
                        id_counter += 1

                        # We are readding the same node to make sure it is 
                        print >>open_file, "<nd ref='-%s' />" % i

                nodeCounter += 1
        print >>open_file, "<nd ref='-%s' />" % ids[0]
        print >>open_file, "</way>"

        return way_id

def add_tags(f):
        """Internal. Write the tags"""
        global open_file, id_counter,namespace
        # We are now reading the fields
        field_count = f.GetFieldCount()
        fields  = {}
        for field in range(field_count):
                value = f.GetFieldAsString(field)
                name = f.GetFieldDefnRef(field).GetName()
                if name and value and name not in boring_tags:
                        print >>open_file, "<tag k='%s' v='%s' />" % (name, 
                fields[name.lower()] = value
        for tag_name, map_value in tag_mapping:
                if hasattr(map_value, '__call__'):
                        tag_values = map_value(fields)
                        if tag_values:
                                for tag in tag_values:
                                        tags[tag[0]] = tag[1]
                        if tag_name in fields:
                                tags[map_value] = fields[tag_name].title()
        for key, value in tags.items():
                if key and value:
                        print >>open_file, "<tag k='%s' v='%s' />" % (key, 

        for name, value in fixed_tags.items():
                print >>open_file, "<tag k='%s' v='%s' />" % (name, 

# We are initializing the variables that we need
open_file = None
file_name = None 
id_counter = 1
file_counter = 0
counter = 0

# We are creating a timestamp value
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())

class AppError(Exception): pass

def run(filename, slice_count=1, obj_count=50000, output_location=None, 
        """Run the converter. Requires open_file, file_name, id_counter,
        file_counter, counter to be defined in global space; not really a very 
        global id_counter, file_counter, counter, file_name, open_file, 

        if no_source:

        if output_location:
                file_name = output_location

        ds = ogr.Open(filename)
        if not ds:
                raise AppError("OGR Could not open the file %s" % filename)
        l = ds.GetLayer(0)

        max_objs_per_file = obj_count 

        extent = l.GetExtent()
        if extent[0] < -180 or extent[0] > 180 or extent[2] < -90 or extent[2] 
> 90:
                raise AppError("Extent does not look like degrees; are you sure 
it is? \n(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]))  
        slice_width = (extent[1] - extent[0]) / slice_count

        seen = {}

        print "Running %s slices with %s base filename against shapefile %s" % 
(slice_count, file_name, filename)

        for i in range(slice_count): 

                l.SetSpatialFilterRect(extent[0] + slice_width * i, extent[2], 
extent[0] + (slice_width * (i + 1)), extent[3])

                f = l.GetNextFeature()
                obj_counter = 0
                last_obj_split = 0

                while f:
                        start_id_counter = id_counter
                        if f.GetFID() in seen:
                                f = l.GetNextFeature()
                        seen[f.GetFID()] = True             
                        if (obj_counter - last_obj_split) > max_objs_per_file:
                                print "Splitting file with %s objs" % 
(obj_counter - last_obj_split)
                                last_obj_split = obj_counter

                        ways = []
                        geom = f.GetGeometryRef()
                        numberGeometry = geom.GetGeometryCount()
                        ring = geom.GetGeometryRef(0)
                        numberOuter = 1
                        # We are writing the nodes to the file
                        ids = add_ring_nodes(ring)
                        # If we have no nodes in the geometry, we just get the 
next structure
                        if not ids or len(ids) == 0: 
                                f = l.GetNextFeature()

                        # We are creating the way now
                        print >>open_file, "<way id='-%s' version=\"1\" 
timestamp=\"%s\">" % (id_counter, timestamp)
                        id_counter += 1
                        # We are now writing the nodes of the way
                        nodeCounter = 0
                        for i in ids:
                                print >>open_file, "<nd ref='-%s' />" % i
                                # This code will break long ways into multiple 
                                if (nodeCounter > 0) and ((nodeCounter % 2000) 
== 0):
                                        # We are closing the current way
                                        print >>open_file, "</way>"
                                        # We are now opening the new way
                                        print >>open_file, "<way id='-%s' 
version=\"1\" timestamp=\"%s\">" % (id_counter, timestamp)
                                        id_counter += 1
                                        # We are readding the same node to make 
sure it is jointive
                                        print >>open_file, "<nd ref='-%s' />" % 
                                        # We are indicating we have an extra 
                                        # and that we have a geometry that 
requires a relation
                                        numberOuter += 1
                                        numberGeometry += 1
                                nodeCounter += 1
                        # To make sure that we are closing properly the polygon 
we are adding the first point
                        print >>open_file, "<nd ref='-%s' />" % ids[0]
                        # We are writing the tags if we have only a simple 
                        if numberGeometry == 1:

                        # We close the way
                        print >>open_file, "</way>"   
                        # We are now writing the relations if we have a complex 
                        if numberGeometry > 1:
                                # We are writing first the inner ways
                                for i in range(1, geom.GetGeometryCount()):
                                # We are now writing the relation
                                print >>open_file, "<relation id='-%s' 
version=\"1\" timestamp=\"%s\">" % (id_counter, timestamp)
                                id_counter += 1
                                # We are now printing the inner ways
                                for wayPosition in range(numberOuter):
                                        print >>open_file, '<member type="way" 
ref="-%s" role="outer" />' % ways[wayPosition]
                                # We are now printing the outer ways
                                for way in ways[numberOuter:]:
                                    print >>open_file, '<member type="way" 
ref="-%s" role="inner" />' % way 
                                # We are adding the tags on the relation
                                print >>open_file, "<tag k='type' 
v='multipolygon' />"
                                print >>open_file, "</relation>"    
                        counter += 1
                        f = l.GetNextFeature()
                        obj_counter += (id_counter - start_id_counter)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    if DONT_RUN:
        print __doc__
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parse = OptionParser(usage="%prog [args] filename.shp", version=__version__)
    parse.add_option("-s", "--slice-count", dest="slice_count", 
                     help="Number of horizontal slices of data", default=1, 
                     action="store", type="int")
    parse.add_option("-o", "--obj-count", 
                     help="Target Maximum number of objects in a single .osm 
                     default=50000, type="int")
    parse.add_option("-n", "--no-source", dest="no_source", 
                     help="Do not store source attributes as tags.",
                     action="store_true", default=False)
    parse.add_option("-l", "--output-location", 
                        dest="output_location", help="base filepath for output 
    (options, args) = parse.parse_args()
    if not len(args):
        print "No shapefile name given!"

    kw = {}
    for key in  ('slice_count', 'obj_count', 'output_location', 'no_source'):
        kw[key] = getattr(options, key)
        run(args[0], **kw)   
    except AppError, E:
        print "An error occurred: \n%s" % E  

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