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Dear Hackers,

We hereby invite any and all open source projects to participate in FOSDEM 2012 by manning a stand for the weekend, by giving a talk in a devroom or by giving a 15 minute talk in our lightning talk room.

on how to submit proposals.

* Manning a stand
We offer open source projects a place for a stand in the hallways. Stands can be used to share information, demo software, sell merchandising, give away goodies and so forth. Stands allow projects to present themselves to the visitors in a more personal fashion.

See for more details

* Talking in a devroom
We will be hosting 25 (!) different devrooms, covering a broader spectrum of the open source landscape than any year before.

The accepted devrooms are: Ada -- BSD licensed operating systems -- Configuration and Systems Management -- Cross Desktop -- Distribution Miniconf -- Embedded -- Free Java -- Graph Processing -- Hardware Security and Cryptography -- -- Legal Issues -- LibreOffice -- Mono -- Mozilla -- Multiserver -- microkernel-based operating systems -- MySQL and Friends -- Open Mobile Linux -- Open Source Game Development -- Open Source Telephony -- Open Source Virtualization and Cloud -- Perl -- PostgreSQL -- Smalltalk -- World of GNUstep -- and OpenICC

See for the list of announcements or contact for a contact address.

* Lightning talks
We have a special lightning talk room for all remaining open source projects that do not fit in any of the devrooms. Lightning talks are short 15 minute focussed talks in which one person gets to present the project or an aspect of it.

See for more details.

FOSDEM is organized by and for the community, non-commercial and highly developer-oriented. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.
Now is the time to become part of it.

The FOSDEM organizers.
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