Jai une version en preparation, une francaise, pas une traduction... un plugin.

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Christian Quest <cqu...@openstreetmap.fr> a écrit :

>Des volontaires pour aider à la traduction française d'un plugin Leaflet
>pour Wordpress ?
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: <i...@mapsmarker.com>
>Date: 2012/1/26
>Subject: [contact] [Informations sur l'association] OSM WordPress mapping
>plugin - looking for help with French translations
>To: cont...@openstreetmap.fr
>Robert Harm (i...@mapsmarker.com) a envoyé un message en utilisant le
>formulaire de contact suivant :
>my name is Robert Harm and I am the main developer of the new WordPress OSM
>mapping plugin "Leaflet Maps Marker".
>This freely available plugin was released on Jan 1st 2012 and can be
>downloaded on www.mapsmarker.com (1500 downloads so far).
>It allows you to easily pin, organize & show your favorite places through
>OpenStreetMap/WMTS, Google Maps/Earth (KML-Export), GeoJSON
>or Augmented-Reality browsers. A demo and a download link can be found on
>plugin website.
>Why I am writing you: I received great feedback from users so far and the
>Chairman of OSM Japan even contributed a Japanese translation
>for the plugin. As I want to make this plugin usable to users not found of
>the English, German or Japanese language,
>I kindly ask you if you happen to know OSM guys/ladies could possible assist
>me translating the plugin in different languages like French
>or help to spread the word about my plugin which could really get more
>into using OSM in my opinion.
>I am sure that this would not only benefit my plugin but also help OSM in
>general as it´s getting used much more often through the
>easy integration into the content management system Wordpress, which
>according to Wikipedia
>    is used by over 14.7% of Alexa Internet's "top 1 million" websites and
>of August 2011 powers 22% of all new websites.[5]
>    WordPress is currently the most popular CMS in use on the
>or according to http://en.wordpress.com/stats/ has been installed more than
>70.700.000 times worldwide.
>Information on how to help with translations can be found at
>I´d really appreciate it, if you could spread this message to your
>appropriate OSM communication channels.
>Looking forward to your answer!
>Best regards from Vienna in Austria,
>Robert Harm
>Leaflet Maps Marker Plugin for Wordpress
>Pin, organize & show your favorite places through OpenStreetMap/WMTS, Google
>Maps/Earth (KML), GeoJSON or Augmented-Reality browsers
>Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France -
>Talk-fr mailing list
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