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pour surveiller les changements dans une zone:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ilya Zverev <zve...@textual.ru>
> Subject: [OSM-talk] Who Did It?
> Date: September 29, 2012 10:24:06 AM GMT+02:00
> To: Talk <t...@openstreetmap.org>
> Hi!
> For a long time now, there has been no tool to properly monitor an area. 
> Essentially the only way of doing it is to filter changeset history by bbox 
> (thanks to Pavel for his RSS filter btw). OWL has been turned off, ITO-like 
> visualizations are pretty but unuseful. The simple question "who has deleted 
> my road?" turned out to be very hard to answer.
> But there has been a simple solution, that I'm amazed no one has come to 
> before. To cut long story short, I present to you the service to answer the 
> frequently asked question: WHO DID IT?
> http://zverik.osm.rambler.ru/whodidit/
> It basically downloads hourly replication diffs and stores information on 
> affected 0.01-degree tiles, along with extra information, like user name or a 
> number of modified objects. Then it is possible to do some analysis of that 
> data, to rid users of doing it themselves: which changesets should they pay 
> most attention to, where was anything deleted, and which tiles have only got 
> new data.
> Obviously this service relies only on nodes: other objects do not have 
> spatial information on them in diffs; querying the server every time is 
> expensive, and keeping minutely planet database is no less costly. I've 
> preloaded WHODIDIT with the data since 1st of July, and it's only one 
> gigabyte per three months of changes (half of which are indices). Yes, you 
> can see what redaction bot has touched.
> Also it allows to make RSS feed similar to OWL's. I think everything is 
> pretty straightforward, and there is an instruction picture:
> http://zverik.osm.rambler.ru/whodidit/wdi_guide.gif
> The source is licensed WTFPL, and it should be very easy to set up, for 
> example, a mirror or a regional version of this service. It's entirely in 
> Perl/PHP/MySQL. Check it at https://github.com/Zverik/whodidit
> Oh, and if you see no tiles, try zooming in, levels 12-13 should have 
> everything. I've not yet figured how to pass error messages to the front-end, 
> so there is no helpful message.
> Thanks,
> IZ
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> talk mailing list
> t...@openstreetmap.org
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