Doublé par un tweet:

2014-03-19 17:34 GMT+01:00 Augustin Doury <>:

> C'est fait, le mail est ci-dessous.
> Je précise que si j'ai avancé ça sur la liste francophone c'est parce que
> c'était en une du aujourd'hui donc potentiellement vu par du monde.
> " Hi !
> I've looked with attention your website through the link on
> website, useful work, thanks for that !
> I noticed that your browsable electronic map, powered by Leaflet, use OSM
> data, at least for "Street" rendering. It seems that credit to OSM
> contributors doesn't appear.
> As you may know, you should credit OSM contributors to respect terms of
> ODbL License (Open Data Commons Open Database License).
> The way to credit is well explained here -
> -, here is a quote : "For a
> browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the
> map".
> I've just noticed, looking to the source code of your page, that there is
> a link to a javascript file called
> "/javascripts/leaflet-providers.js?1395005877" which seems to contain all
> useful credits. Maybe there is just a small oversight you can correct
> easily to make credits to OSM contributors appear.
> Thank you for your attention and good luck for your work."
> Augustin Doury
> 2014-03-19 16:32 GMT+01:00 Augustin Doury <>:
> Salut à tous,
>> Je viens de voir passer cette appli web : "mapping
>> ecological conflicts and spaces of resistance"qui utilise Leaflet.
>> Le rendu Street utilise OSM mais pas d'attribution.
>> Si personne ne l'a fait ou retrouve quelque chose à dire, je leur envoie
>> un email d'ici une heure pour les informer en les redirigeant vers
>> Bonne après-midi à tous,
>> --
>> Augustin Doury
> --
> Augustin Doury
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Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Conférence "State Of The Map" France du 4 au 6 avril à
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