Tomorrow night (Thu 13th Dec) we're having a little Christmas London pub 
meet-up at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese pub from 6:30pm. Join us for some friendly 
social beers and a festive celebration of all things OpenStreetMap!
Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese is down an alleyway off Fleet Street (here on the map ). Between Chancery Lane. St Paul's & 
Blackfriars. We will be downstairs, possibly deep downstairs. This pub has more 
seating the deeper down you go, so chances are we may be level=-3!

Whether you're a mapper, map user, or just curious, come join us! If you think 
you may have trouble recognising anyone, turn up at 7pm (when the group will be 
more assembled), and look out for maps or OpenStreetMap hi-viz vests or polo 

Sign-up on eventbrite if you like:
It'll probably be quite a small event. We expect somewhere between 5 and 15 
people. I've set the ticket limit to 50, so yeah. Limited capacity! don't 
delay! :-)

As ever, events like this are listed here: and 
tweeted about on
Talk-gb-london mailing list

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