Tomorrow night (Wednesday 6th March) it's a social OpenStreetMap pub meet-up at 
The Parcel Yard pub, Kings Cross Station, from 7:00pm. Whether you're a mapper, 
map user, or just curious, come join us for map chat and beers!

The Parcel Yard is here on the map: . This is 
inside Kings Cross station towards the back. Past the funky curvy roof. Past 
the Harry Potter shop. Up some steps. We'll be on the first floor somewhere 
(not the 2nd floor restaurant), but it's quite big. We've got a table booked 
there somewhere under the name Harry Wood. If you think you may have trouble 
recognising anyone, turn up at 7:30pm when the group will be more assembled, 
and look out for maps or OpenStreetMap hi-viz vests. Also take Harry's number: 

The pub serves food and some/most of us will probably be eating there (The old 
Benito's Hat burrito option has sadly gone!)

Mark yourself as "attending" on if you fancy it. 
Not everyone bothers signing up. We normally expect about 5/10 people at the 

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Harry Wood

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