On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 04:14:29PM -0400, Nesbitt, David wrote:
> With MapQuest routing we cannot route to Macclesfield. We identified
> this as an issue where a oneway driveable road (Church St) is connected
> only to a pedestrian way. So if the center of Macclesfield (closest to
> Church Street) is used as a routing destination one cannot get there due
> to the oneway road. It is fine routing from Macclesfield. Does anyone
> know the ground-truth here? Is Church Street really oneway or is there a
> missing connecting road?

I contacted a couple of OSM users in Macclesfield, and received the
following (“the link” refers to the above, via the list archives):

    “The one way road (church st) is fed by a pedestrianised street
    network (and not footpaths as stated in the link). Those areas are
    only accessible by vehicles at certain times of the day. So for
    routing purposes, it is effectively inaccessible !  (unless the
    routing software can handle time restrictions).”

I hope that clears it up, even if it doesn’t help with routing it.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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