Looks interesting!

The link to the map is: http://www.nlcg.org.uk/analogue/images/map.pdf


On 2 October 2010 17:54, Simon Ward <si...@bleah.co.uk> wrote:
> I spotted a flyer about “Analogue is the New Digital”, an exhibition
> that seems to be about digital networks of Manchester and the analogue
> communication that comes from it.
> It caught my eye because it features a map that looks distinctively like
> it came from Open Street Map data:
>    The map of Manchester on the front was rendered from Open Street Map
>    data with Mapnik.
>    During our research for the show, many people mentioned that it is
>    common to find data cables running along existing infrastructures;
>    it is cheaper to piggy‐back an existing network than install an
>    entirely new one.  So canals, train lines and roads have been
>    emphasised.
>    An impression of the Manchester Guardian has been added to the map.
>    This still existing Cold War era communication structure lies
>    approximately 34 metres below ground and runs underneath George
>    Street with tunnels extending to Lockton Close, Ardwich and
>    Islington Street, Salford.
>    Mobile phone masts are represented by coloured dots and have been
>    turned into a Voroni diagram here on the back.  [snipped more about
>    the diagram]
> Web site: http://www.analogueuk.co.uk/
> Simon
> --
> A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
> simple system that works.—John Gall
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