Trying to organise a party in conjunction with LUGRadio has been a problem.
They are out of tickets (so unless you have a ticket you cant get in - non
available on the door this time) plus they do not have any "exhibitor"

We therefore have three options.

1. To still do it but use an external venue (I'll do the talk at LUGRadio
live at 3pm)
2. To move the mapping to Sunday and tie in with oggcamp. There will be
plenty from LUGRadio live who are going to oggcamp and if I broadcast our
attendance on the Saturday we should get a good crowd.
3. Do both of the above.




>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christoph Böhme []
>Sent: 18 October 2009 10:24 AM
>To: Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
>Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Lug Radio Live - How about a mapping
>have any plans been made for a Lug radio mapping party? I am free on
>Sat and would happily do some mapping in Wolverhampton.
>"Andy Robinson \(blackadder-lists\)" <> schrieb:
>> Lug radio Live is fast approaching, running on Sat 24th October.
>> This would seem a logical date to do a mapping party. While the lug
>> folks listen to lug stuff we can feed out and map, returning to
>> spread the word at lunchtime etc.
>> I'm due to talk about OSM at 15:00, not clear yet if they will have a
>> proper "exhibition" but I'm sure we can ad hoc something as required.
>> Who's available that weekend? Wolverhampton has much unloved area
>> still to map.
>> Cheers
>> Andy
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