On Tue, 2010-01-26 at 13:45 -0800, Peter Millar wrote:
> I think "Delete it and replace it with the building shape" would be the
>  right answer.
> Please, though, copy any appropriate tags from the POI to the new shape
>  before deleting the POI; I've had perfectly good information go
>  missing this way.

Agreed on both points, but I'd also point out this from the "OSM for the
blind" wiki page:

"If you add POIs, it is better to add buildings and put an exact
entrance node at the entrance. Try not to add POIs as the estimated
middle of a building."

Personally, I'd move the existing node to the location of the entrance,
and use that as the start point for creating the building way. Then I'd
copy relevant tags from the node to the way.


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_for_the_blind

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