Mary asked:

> On another point.  I have mapped two electricity sub stations, 
> one near home using my GPS handheld, and a second near work 
> using my Android tracker.  Neither have appeared on the map.  Why?

Have you mapped them as a node or as an area? I've mapped a few near here as 
nodes, and they don't render as far as I know, but have mapped some as areas 
from Yahoo imagery in the USA and they do show.

But it's up to who uses the OSM data what they choose to display and if Mapnik 
were to show everything it would look overly cluttered. I've mapped loads of 
benches and bins for dog waste for example, which would be useful if someone 
wanted to do a map of sea front walks near me (Clacton), but they don't render 
on Mapnik either, and I think it looks better for not doing so (now if we could 
go to zoom level 20...). 


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