Hi everyone

Every building ( please check - there's bound to be the recalcitrant 1%!)
inside the outer ring road has now been traced. There's also quite a few
under construction that have also been added ( thanks Andy M). I believe-
but this is a biassed opinion - that we now have the best mapped city centre
in the UK in terms of a single contiguous area of building outline detail
and correct road alignment. Edinburgh and London come close but have many
gaps in building coverage ( do we want to wind up talk gb with this

BTW in comparison to both GoogleEarth and Bing (even more outdated than GE!)
our aerial imagery is much fresher so our maps should be too - and as our
building outlines are more detailed than OS StreetView we beat this map too!

What's left to do?

Check that building outlines are correct ( shadows often obscure finer
detail such as buildings being joined or separated)
Populate the buildings with names, addresses, and functions
Complete the building tracing outside the ring road to the limit of the
aerial photography
Ground surveys to complete the population of  land useage types (maybe not
worth doing in the  core city centre as the building density is too great)
Populate with heritage information ( e.g Listed Building Status, former
Ongoing maintenance for demolitions and constructions
Railways and canals have been left as single ways ( canals at locks where
there are in many cases parallel ways) and I think it's probably best to
leave this well alone.

Happy mapping!


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