On 24 October 2011 17:17, Brian Prangle <bpran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Interesting problem - in some cases I use tunnel=yes and layer=-1 where it's
> a short section and likely to be straight. Where it's a longer underground
> section I just tag waterway= stream:underground ( or something similar) so
> that the data is there but there's no render. Two reasons - stopping clutter
> on the rendered map and also we can't be sure of the route

OK, thank you. Underground sections - including a long line from Hockley Flyover
to Aston, with a single bend in the middle - now tagged waterway=
stream:underground and manmade:pipe removed.

I suppose we could trace the route from OOC maps, but who knows
whether its alignment remains unchanged?

I also chanegd the above-ground sections from waterway:drain to waterway:stream.

> Relation - too much work for a dubious return - a name tag on each
> visible(rendered)section works just as well

OK, that's gone.

See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hockley_Brook which I just created.

Andy Mabbett

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