Hi everyone

Here's a suggestion for what we should get up to this summer - based on
what people felt was OK at the April meeting and also some invention from
me. I've tried to make the monthly meetings accessible by rail and also to
get the Birmingham residents moving out nearer to other mappers who trudge
regularly into Brum in the winter.

Andy and I also discussed possibly contacting mappers in Birmingham Alabama
to see if we could accelerate their map with some armchair mapping



   Date Activity Venue Time  May 3rd Monthly Meeting -summer mapping White
Lion Hampton in Arden map when you like beforehand- meet in pub 8pm  June
7th Monthly Meeting -summer mapping  Coventry (pub TBA) map when you like
beforehand- meet in pub 8pm  June 23rd Saturday Mini  Mapping Party National
Arboretum Memorial Alrewas 10:00 AM  July  6th Monthly Meeting -summer
mapping Lichfield map when you like beforehand- meet in pub 8pm  July
21st Saturday
Mini  Mapping Party Henley-in Arden 10:00 AM  Aug  3rd Monthly Meeting
-summer mapping Coleshill map when you like beforehand- meet in pub 8pm  Sep
6th Monthly Meeting -summer mapping Bromsgrove map when you like
beforehand- meet in pub 8pm
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