Not everyone considers a licence of any sort a requirement. It's just us
that expects one or argues otherwise it might be public domain. I recall
when I first came to OSM not understanding why a licence was required at all
(because I'm used to contracts where the terms are explicit and OSM does not
form contract. Little did I know about software!)

What Companies House does make clear is that although data in the register
may likely be subject to third party copyright (where the information has
been provided to them and not generated by them and thus Crown Copyright)
"Companies House imposes no rules or requirements on how the information on
the public register is used." That's a pretty clear statement about data in
the public register.

For everything else that they produce Crown Copyright applies but again
provided the normal restrictions regarding Crown Copyright are adhered to
then regarding reuse it again states "It places no restriction on how the
information is used after purchase other than the following" which only
raises the question to me about data that is not sold but supplied free of


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Williams []
> Sent: 31 August 2012 17:00
> To: talk-gb-westmidlands
> Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] UK Postcodes - Potential data source
> On 31 August 2012 16:50, Rob Nickerson <>
> wrote:
> >
> > I think that translates to Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)
> then?
> Probably, but I wouldn't feel comfortable using the data without an
> set of license terms. Unless they have done and I just don't understand
> terminology.
> Matt
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