Thanks Brian,

On 1 if anyone has already completed this form and has a web url, if you
post it here we can "like / +1" the request.

On 6 the biggest issue I see is that the only way to contact new mappers is
through the message system and I'm not sure if this can be automated in any


On 5 October 2012 14:05, Brian Prangle <> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> As promised - here's a summary of what I think we agreed
> 1. Open Data  - we should use the consultation exercise to ask for the
> planning application data feeds that go to the OS on a regular basis; and
> for the highway engineering data ( e.g turn restrictions, speed limits);
> And thinking about this after the event the road name data for new roads
> 2. Winter gritting - Andy M will contact Dudley to release their data and
> contact Birmingham for  any changes from last year
> 3. Next month we'll meet in Coventry. Rob/Matt to decide on venue
> 4. Twitter event as we approach adding the final building to Birmingham
> 6. Discussion around automation of contacting  new editors but I'm not
> sure what conclusion we came to
> 5. Brian to add wiki page for discussion about producing a new paper map
> for March 2013 - mainly to decide on cartographic style and what to include
> and how to pay for it.
> 7. SOTM 2013: Brian to collate info once Andy M and Andy R document
> briefly their contacts for circulation to this list for approval and then
> to the gb wiki page  in order to promote Birmingham at the preferred Uk
> site for a bid. Rob, Matt, Andy M and AndyR(for early 2013 only) all agreed
> to devote  time to some aspect of the organisation. Andrew McK was also
> volunteered in his absence for his links around Open Data
> Any ommissions or corrections gratefully received
> Regards
> Brian
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