Good idea on the amenity=post_depot, have changed those in my area, have also added building=warehouse on the building itself, not sure if that make sense, it does to me.


On 22/10/2012 14:09, Matt Williams wrote:
On 22 October 2012 13:35, Nick Verdegem <> wrote:
Hi All,

Just updating my local area and want to add a couple of Parcel Depots,  one
for the Royal Mail, and one for TNT.

The Royal Mail one is *not* amenity=post_office as it does not accept
parcels/letters for onward delivery, only collection of undeliverables.

The TNT one will send/receive parcels/packages, but I'm not sure if
post_office would be acceptable and it would appear that amenity=cargo has
been abandoned.

Anyone got any guidance/suggestions on how to effectively tag these?

According to taginfo, the most commonly used tag (that I can find) is
amenity=post_depot [1] with 36 uses. I'd suggest that we start using
that and that if noone objects, we should add a wiki page [2] for it
and link to it from the post_office page.



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