Okay, time to re-focus my efforts on the Mappa Mercia website. The current
version of the site is online at http://mappa-mercia.org/ . And the
proposed new version is in development at http://mappa.stulester.co.uk/

 Looking at the new design again (with SOTM now behind us) I now think we
are being too cautious, not changing enough. I suggest we refocus on the
community and potential things that the Mappa Mercia can work on (e.g. with
a local council, charity or organisation). So I suggest that we:


   Make the landing page the “About” page but update it to include a
   carousel of images of the local members, SOTM, GPS surveying and a map

   Remove the “The Maps” page altogether keeping just the drop down menu.
   If wordpress insists we have a link here then we can just redirect it to
   the first map in the list.

   Each map page includes a large map with some text below it. I'm hoping
   to get a button on there that opens each map in full screen.

   Rename “News” to “Blog” as previously discussed.

   Make the “Projects” page our active way of organising projects/current
   mapping tasks. For now this can start with a list of current projects with
   links out to the relevant page on the OSM wiki

I will be around Thursday evening at our monthly meet-up so we can look
through things then. I would also welcome support from outside our normal
group, so if you have any web/wordpress skills and can spare a few minutes
to help us out, please do get in contact.

Thoughts welcome.

Best regards,

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

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