Excellent Andy, thanks again.  I'll follow up on those ideas.



On 12/02/2014 13:12, SomeoneElse wrote:
jonathan wrote:
Thanks Andy that looks great but still doesn't tell me how the deleted ways were tagged?

Am I missing something?

No - osmhv doesn't show previous tags of deletions, but it's useful for showing where things have been deleted (or moved) from.

Potlatch 1 is one place that you could go if you want to browse around and see how things were tagged:


That shows a hotch-potch of stuff there (the last geometry before deletion, which may not be the last geometry before this user's first edit).

Another option might be to use JOSM's reverter plugin, but not actually upload the results - that'll show the geometry before that changeset within JOSM.

Looking at what was there it may be worth asking the mapper whether they deleted the buildings because they've been knocked down and the area's being redeveloped, or because they made a mistake editing it, or what was there wasn't very accurate and they're starting from a clean sheet, or something else.



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